Support Services for Design Firms
- RVT modeling for architecture, structural engineering, MEP, Interior design and landscape.
- SD, DD and CD documents production.
- Clash detection and model coordination.
- BIM based quantity and material takeoffs.
- CAD drafting services.
- PDF to CAD/RVT services.
Sustainability & ESG consulting LEED
- LEED arc.
- LEED homes green rater and energy rater.
- LEED energy modeling.
- WELL + WELL health safety rating Fitwel + Viral response certification.
- Living building challenge.
- BREEAM. EDGE (Only certain countries)
- EDGE auditor.
Energy Efficiency
- Building envelope design analysis + optimization.
- Building energy model analysis (ASHRAE 90.1).
BIM Implementation
- BIM Execution plan authoring.
- BIM staffing (offsite).
- Virtual reality models.
- Architecture interior & exterior renderings.
- Real estate colored and animated floor plants.
- Landscape renderings and hand-made watercoloring.
Design Assist
- Bioclimatic analysis & design optimization.
- Biophyllic and biomimicry-based design guidelines.
- Simple box energy modeling analysis.
Support Services for Design Firms
- RVT modeling for architecture, structural engineering, MEP, Interior design and landscape.
- SD, DD and CD documents production.
- Clash detection and model coordination.
- BIM based quantity and material takeo s.
- CAD drafting services.
- PDF to CAD/RVT services.
Sustainability & ESG consulting LEED
- LEED arc.
- LEED homes green rater and energy rater.
- LEED energy modeling.
- WELL + WELL health safety rating Fitwel + Viral response certification.
- Living building challenge.
- BREEAM. EDGE (Only certain countries)
- EDGE auditor.
Sustainability Reporting
- CDP Reporting
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting
- Custom trainings
- Keynote speaking
- Workshops
Energy Efficiency
- Building envelope design analysis + optimization.
- Building energy model analysis (ASHRAE 90.1).
Coordination & Clash Detection
- BIM services for Architectural, Structural and MEP disciplines
- Drawing production through BIM process
- Clash detection and interdisciplinary coordination (onsite and offsite support)
- 4D and 5D Simulations
- BIM based quantity and material takeoff report extractions
- BIM based facility management solutions
- Firmwide BIM implementation consulting
- BIM Execution Plan authoring
- Building energy analysis and simulations
- BIM Staffing (offsite)
Design Assist
- Bioclimatic analysis & design optimization.
- Biophyllic and biomimicry-based design guidelines.
- Simple box energy modeling analysis.
CAD and Drafting
- AutoCAD drafting services
- Shop drawing production for all disciplines
- 2D to 3D Conversion
- Real Estate CAD Drafting
Construction Management
- CPM scheduling
- Project cost and schedule controls
- As-built condition verification
How we do it 
Our 6-step process to start:
- Agreeon scope, deliverables and schedule.
- Outline your investment.
- Designate a project manager a a production team.
- Have a kick-off call/meeting between your team and ours.
- Understand design standars and templates.
- Agree upon calendar of progress reports.

To remain cost effective, we keep most of the production work at our offices in Mexico City and Playa del Carmen. If desired, production work can take place in our Houston office.
How we do it 
Our 6-step process to start:
- Agreeon scope, deliverables and schedule.
- Outline your investment.
- Designate a project manager a a production team.
- Have a kick-off call/meeting between your team and ours.
- Understand design standars and templates.
- Agree upon calendar of progress reports.
To remain cost effective, we keep most of the production work at our offices in Mexico City and Playa del Carmen. If desired, production work can take place in our Houston office.
we provide 
Support Services for Design Firms
RVT modeling for architecture, structural engineering, MEP, interior design and landscape.
SD, DD, and CD documents production.
Clash detection and model coordination.
BIM based quantity and
material takeoffs.
CAD drafting services.
PDF to CAD/RVT services.
BIM Execution plan authoring.
BIM staffing (offsite).
Virtual reality models. Architecture interior & exterior renderings. Real Estate colored and animated floor plans. Landscape renderings and hand-made watercoloring
Design Assist
Bioclimatic analysis & design optimization.
Biophyllic and biomimicry-based design guidelines.
Simple box energy
modeling analysis.
Building envelope design analysis + optimization.
Building energy model analysis (ASHRAE 90.1)
Support Sustainability & ESG
consulting LEED
LEED arc.
LEED homes green rater and energy rater.
LEED energy modeling.
WELL + WELL Health Safety Rating Fitwel + Viral response
Living building challenge.
EDGE (Only certain countries).
EDGE auditor.
Architect of
Record &
Engineer of
What defines us
Since its beginnings, MARQ EEC has had the goal of meeting the specific needs of our clients and helping to improve metrics on the most common variables of a project: cost, quality and time.
Our clients trust us because we are an ally rather than a supplier. We fully understand our clients’ requirements and propose creative and reliable solutions for each project. These solutions are transformed into measurable benefits and an efficient development of our work.
We pursue the regeneration of the natural environment through our active involvement in the built environment, guaranteeing the greatest efficiency of resources and profitability in the real estate and infrastructure businesses of our clients, achieving projects that exceed their expectations.
Our team shares the accumulated experience of four generations of architects and builders committed to the needs of each project using the latest technology and tools.